$399.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

By purchasing this Membership I agree to the terms & conditions provided on this page. I will review and sign the client contract provided to me via email. If the terms of the client contract are not to my liking, my purchase will be refunded, access will be revoked and alternative membership options will be provided.

Elite 1:1 Coaching

 This 1:1 Coaching Membership includes:
  • Initial Custom Nutrition Audit (valued at $150)
  • Custom Macro Set-Up
  • Monthly Macro Adjustments
  • Body AMplified Macro Guide
  • Customized Monthly Workouts for Gym or Home 
  • Weekly Check-In Forms
  • Monthly Private Coaching Call
  • Daily 1:1 Messaging Support Access

PLUS, as a coaching client, you also get access to:

  • our Body AMp Member's Chat for inspiration, support, and community
  • Monthly Recipe Packs including traditional meals & plant-based meals (30 per month!)
  • Regular Challenges to keep you engaged and excited about working out
  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls where we can dive into Macros, High-Intensity Alternatives, Mindset, and more 

This membership includes a 6-month minimum term after which you can continue in Elite or downgrade to another coaching offer.

Client will be charged $399, 30 days after purchase and for each month recurring until 30 day written cancelation is given to [email protected].