Body AMplified for Women 40+

Body AMplified, by Ann Marie Wakula, was created to help you achieve your fitness & nutrition goals so that you can keep doing the things you love most into your 40s and beyond. Our monthly membership offers three tiers to suit your goals: Essentials, Premium, and Elite. 

Which membership will be your starting point?


Change is hard, and it is even more challenging to be successful if you're not seeing results. 

Everyone deserves to be healthier and feel confident in their own body.

My mission is to make this as easy as possible for you to achieve and maintain. 


I love working with women of all levels and take pride in creating programs catered to personal growth. I enjoy the sense of accomplishment my client feels when they’ve completed their workout, held a plank longer, or just felt mentally stronger than when they first started.



Prior to become a NASM certified personal trainer and Macro Nutrition coach, I personally walked in your shoes and have tried and tested every possible solution. From marathon running to fitness classes, keto, low carb, strict diet plans; it was a running joke with my girlfriends, "Ann Marie will try it first. If it works, game on!" Except after a while, nothing worked and I was left feeling frustrated, defeated and deprived.

So here I am, 42 years old, feeling the best I've ever felt physically, mentally and emotionally. I can honestly say, I wouldn't turn back the clock to feel 20 again - if I knew then what I know now - I can't even imagine where I'd be today.

And that is what I want for you!

I want to help you commit to yourself, change your vision of perfection, and accept that you are giving all that you can into creating a fit and healthy lifestyle, knowing that it looks different for each one of us.


Body AMplified Membership Options

Find the membership that fits your current goals and fitness & nutrition needs.


I highly recommend the Elite Membership as your starting point to ensure that you are learning the "why" behind what you're doing along with hands-on support and customized guidance.

The Premium Membership is a great option if you are looking for workouts, resources, and a community to keep you motivated.

The Essentials Membership offers workouts only - and is for the woman who knows what she needs and feels confident in her ability to stay motivated.

The Elite Membership

This six-month membership includes:

  • Initial Custom Nutrition Audit
  • Custom Macro Set-Up
  • Monthly Macro Adjustments
  • Body AMplified Macro Guide
  • Customized Monthly Workouts for Gym or Home 
  • Weekly Check-In Feedback
  • 6 Private Coaching Calls
  • Daily 1:1 Messaging Support Access


PLUS, as a member of Body AMplified, you also get access to all of the membership perks available to Premium members.


This membership option includes a 6-month term after which you can sign up for another round of Elite or downgrade to Premium or Essentials.

The Premium Membership

This monthly membership includes:

  • Home or Gym workouts readily available at your fingertips on my Body AMplified Training App
  • Access to our Body AMp Member's Chat for inspiration, support, and community
  • Monthly Recipe Packs including traditional meals & plant-based meals (30 per month!)
  • Monthly Challenges to keep you engaged and excited about working out
  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls where we can dive into Macros, High-Intensity Alternatives, Mindset, and more
  • Access to a growing library of Body AMp Resources to learn more about health & nutrition
  • Guest Speaker calls to learn more about hormones, supplements, and a holistic approach to everything health & wellness-related
The Essentials Membership

Your monthly membership includes:

  • 5 monthly strength-based workouts at your fingertips on my Body AMplified Training App
    • Home Workouts (up to 60min)
    • Gym Workouts (up to 60min)
    • Timed Home Workouts (under 40min)
  • New workouts every 5 weeks
  • This app can be viewed on your computer or your phone which makes it easy to access on the go along with a video tutorial for each exercise so you know you're doing it right

This is the perfect starting point for you if you're simply looking for workouts! 

over 40

Your Membership Plans

Sign up today and start training next Monday! 



six month term

  • Initial Custom Nutrition Audit (valued at $149)
  • Custom Macro Set-Up + Monthly Adjustments
  • Macro Guide + Monthly Recipe Packs
  • Monthly Gym or Home Workouts with customization
  • Weekly Check-In Forms
  • 1 Monthly Private Coaching Call
  • Daily 1:1 Messaging Support Access
  • PLUS all of the membership perks available to Basic and Premium members.



most popular

  • Home or Gym workouts readily available at your fingertips on my Body AMplified Training App
  • Access to our Body AMp Member's Chat for inspiration, support, and community
  • Monthly Recipe Packs including traditional meals & plant-based meals (30 per month!)
  • Monthly Challenges to keep you engaged and excited about working out
  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls where we can dive into Macros, High-Intensity Alternatives, Mindset, and more
  • Access to a growing library of Body AMp Resources to learn more about health & nutrition



no minimum commitment

  • 5 monthly strength-based workouts at your fingertips on my Body AMplified Training App
    • Home Workouts (up to 60min)
    • Gym Workouts (up to 60min)
    • Timed Home Workouts (under 40min)
  • New workouts every 5 weeks
  • This app can be viewed on your computer or your phone which makes it easy to access on the go along with a video tutorial for each exercise so you know you're doing it right

It's not magic - it's science.

Cut through the fads & yo-yo diets to create evidence-backed sustainable fitness & diet plans that get results  - for every season of your life.


Are you looking for results like these?

I know what it's like to go on a yo-yo journey of dieting, following fads and trends, trying wild high-intensity workouts that leave you drained... all in the hopes that you'll see results, finally.

I'm here to cut through the industry noise and teach you how to harness your nutrition & fitness in a way that lights you up with excitement.

Your Membership Plans

Sign up today and start training next Monday! 



six month term

  • Initial Custom Nutrition Audit (valued at $149)
  • Custom Macro Set-Up + Monthly Adjustments
  • Macro Guide + Monthly Recipe Packs
  • Monthly Gym or Home Workouts with customization
  • Weekly Check-In Forms
  • 1 Monthly Private Coaching Call
  • Daily 1:1 Messaging Support Access
  • PLUS all of the membership perks available to Basic and Premium members.



most popular

  • Home or Gym workouts readily available at your fingertips on my Body AMplified Training App
  • Access to our Body AMp Member's Chat for inspiration, support, and community
  • Monthly Recipe Packs including traditional meals & plant-based meals (30 per month!)
  • Monthly Challenges to keep you engaged and excited about working out
  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls where we can dive into Macros, High-Intensity Alternatives, Mindset, and more
  • Access to a growing library of Body AMp Resources to learn more about health & nutrition



no minimum commitment

  • 5 monthly strength-based workouts at your fingertips on my Body AMplified Training App
    • Home Workouts (up to 60min)
    • Gym Workouts (up to 60min)
    • Timed Home Workouts (under 40min)
  • New workouts every 5 weeks
  • This app can be viewed on your computer or your phone which makes it easy to access on the go along with a video tutorial for each exercise so you know you're doing it right

Inside the Training App

Your Nutrition Summary

Link your account to MyFitnessPal for easy calorie tracking.

Cardio Tracking

Stay on track to hit your daily steps by inputting your walks.

Record Exercise Stats

Enter your workout reps & weights used to track your progress.

Set Your Goals

Add fitness, nutrition & lifestyle goals and track your progress.

Watch Demo Videos

Access demo videos of each exercise while you workout.

View Your Calendar

View your training calendar to see what is up next.

You have questions?

We have answers.